Open up your project and go to Targets > Info > URL Types and add the following:
Change com.discoveryloft.pavejs to your project's identifier
2. Define your deep links
We are going to support two deep links into the app:
And we will represent the host part of the URL in an enum.
import Foundation
enum DeepLink: String {
case home
case detail
3. Handle URLs
To handle the URL we need to go into our AppDelegate.swift and parse the incoming request, and convert it into a DeepLink that we can hand off to our MainViewController for processing.
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
// Process the URL.
guard let components = NSURLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true),
let host = else {
print("Invalid URL")
return false
print("components: \(components)")
// Create the deep link
guard let deeplink = DeepLink(rawValue: host) else {
print("Deeplink not found: \(host)")
return false
// Hand off to mainViewController
return true
Once in the MainViewController with the deeplink we can do whatever we want. Here we just manually navigate to the view controller in the tab bar we want to present.
// MARK: Deep Link
extension MainViewController {
func handleDeepLink(_ deepLink: DeepLink) {
switch deepLink {
case .home:
// handle show your app's home screen here
case .detail:
// handle show your app's detail screen here
// handle the PAVE's Session ID here
4. Test
You can try deeplinking into your app by firing up Safari in your simulator and enter URL in there (i.e. pave://home).
Or an even better way is to execute deeplinks from the command line while your simulator is running with this command here:
xcrun simctl openurl booted pave://home
Setting up for Android
1. Add intent filters for incoming links
To create a link to your app content, add an intent filter that contains these elements and attribute values in your manifest:
According to Google, the autoVerify attribute “allows your app to designate itself as the default handler of a given type of link. So when the user clicks on an Android App Link, your app opens immediately if it's installed — the disambiguation dialog doesn't appear.”
2. Read data from incoming intents
Here’s a snippet that shows how to retrieve data from an Intent:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val appLinkAction: String? = intent?.action
val appLinkData: Uri? = intent?.data
if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW == appLinkAction && appLinkData != null) {
val sessionId = appLinkData.getQueryParameter("sessionId")
if (sessionId.isNullOrBlank().not()) {
// handle the PAVE's Session ID here