Generate Access Token
Implementation Examples of Access Token Generation in Various Programming Languages
Last updated
Implementation Examples of Access Token Generation in Various Programming Languages
Last updated
Create access token by using HMAC-SHA256
An access token can be generated by combining the api_key and timestamp string with the provided api_secret.
To generate the correct token, please make sure the combination string you are using with the 1) api_key, 2) timestamp and 3) api_secret are arranged in this order.
To generate the correct token, please ensure your timestamp is using UTC Datetime. And use the matching timestamp to the one included in your header when generating your token.
with the primary account name that your representative initially provided. Do not set this as one of the user names you created in your dashboard.
Get it from your PAVE Developer dashboard
Get it from your PAVE Developer dashboard
UTC Datetime string, example: 2021-05-30T12:49:19Z